Civil society
Online platform in
support of reforms

Conceptual documents Vision of Ukraine 2030
The reforms
sectoral briefs for the URC 2021
National memory policy
Sectoral brief “National memory policy”
Gender equality
Sectoral brief "Gender equality"
Youth policy
Sectoral brief “Youth policy”
Anti-corruption policy
Sectoral brief "Anti-corruption policy"
Constitutional reform
Sectoral brief “Constitutional reform”
Media reform
Sectoral brief “Media reform”
Sectoral brief “Education”
Parliamentary reform
Sectoral brief “Parliamentary reform”
Human rights & reintegration of the occupied territories
Sectoral brief “Human rights & reintegration of the occupied territories”
Public administration reform
Sectoral brief “Public administration reform”
Civil society
Sectoral brief “Development of the civil society”
Sectoral brief “Healthcare”
E- democracy & E-governance
Sectoral brief “E- democracy & E-governance”
National security & defense
Sectoral brief “National security & defense”
Judicial reform
Sectoral brief “Judicial reform”
Environmental protection
Sectoral brief “Environmental protection”
Sectoral brief “Culture”
Sectoral brief “Decentralization”
Economic reforms
Sectoral brief “Economic reforms”
Electoral reform
Sectoral brief "Electoral reform"
Energy sector
Sectoral brief “the Energy sector”
Law enforcement authorities reform
Sectoral brief “Law enforcement authorities reform”
Active organizations
Active citizens
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