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To a greater extent, the recommendations for the next period remain unchanged. The main recommendation is to complete the electoral reform and improve the electoral legislation in the near future, without postponing the issue until the next election, in particular:
Improving the electoral system in national and local elections by waiving the imperative mandate in local and 9 imperative mandates in parliamentary elections.
Increasing the influence of voters on determining the order of candidates in determining the election results. Reduction of the electoral quota from 25% to 5%.
Ensuring the right of citizens to run by self-nomination regardless of the electoral system used in certain elections.
The settle the issue of agitation on the Internet and social networks and introduction of effective mechanisms of responsibility for violating the rules of agitation, including early and covert agitation.
Improving the rules of election financing, including, in particular, the need to unify the rules of financing of both national and local elections, the introduction of effective mechanisms for monitoring election funds, ensuring access to financial reporting, establishing a clear division of powers of supervisory authorities. Thus, the 2020 local elections have shown that entrusting the territorial electoral commissions the authority to analyze candidates' financial statements is completely ineffective.
Ensuring the accessibility and inclusion of the electoral process: in terms of production of ballots, as well as all campaign and information materials, and ensuring the accessibility of polling stations and electoral processes for people with disabilities.
Introduction of electronic services, simplification and automation of procedures both for voters, for candidates, and for election administration bodies.
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