Section 1. Monitoring of the implementation of recommendations on reform priorities for 2020–2021
On February 4, 2020, the Parliament preliminarily approved a bill (№ 1017) amending Articles 76 and 77 of the Constitution of Ukraine (on reducing the constitutional composition of the Parliament and consolidating the proportional electoral system) without considering for the CCU's legal position. In its conclusion of December 16, 2019 № 8-в / 2019, the CCU drew attention to the fact that:
the provision proposed by the draft law № 1017 to reduce the constitutional composition of the Parliament to three hundred MPs should be considered in conjunction with those provisions of the Constitution that determine a certain (specific) number of the MPs (and when making such changes, the appropriate moderation and systematization of all provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine must be observed);
the practical application of the proposed by the draft law № 1017 in paragraph 17 of Section XV "Transitional Provisions" of the Constitution of Ukraine may lead to a gap in time between the moment (day) of termination of parliament and the moment (day) of their acquisition by the newly elected parliament, and thus violate the constitutional principle of continuity of functioning of the legislature.
However, due to the fact that the Parliament did not consider the bill № 1017 at the next regular session (i.e. until February 2021), it was considered rejected.
In addition, on February 4, 2020, the Parliament considered a bill (№ 1014) amending Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine (on consolidating the powers of the President of Ukraine to establish independent regulatory bodies, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, appoint and dismiss the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation), on which the Constitutional Court of Ukraine issued a negative opinion, but the bill was not previously approved due to lack of votes.
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- decentralization reform, strengthening local self-government;
- comprehensive constitutional reform of the power "triangle" (Parliament - President - Government).
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